summer donations
Story by Jessie Davis

Run4Water aims to raise awareness and provide solutions to the global water crisis by hosting events and runs, and by working in the global communities that need their help most. We were happy to donate 400 cups for their most recent trip to Eastern Uganda as part of their “84 Days” mission working with young people who might otherwise miss school or other social engagements because of their periods. Greg Armstrong, the President of Run4Water, had this inspiring story to share:
“While our medical team conducted the 84 Days ministry, another group repaired a broken well within the same village. A man came up and said, "You don't realize how life changing this is." I assumed he was speaking of the water/well repair because so many had died in that community from drinking swamp water. He said, "No, I mean the women's ministry. I am a school teacher and when the girls miss a week of school (because they are menstruating) they not only get behind but what is worse is that they begin to believe that they aren't as intelligent as the males. The males begin to think they are smarter than the girls when it's just the fact that they have missed so many days of school. Eventually, the girls get discouraged and many drop out."
Now, the girls no longer have to miss school, and they will be able to reach their full academic potential.
Only Hope sends students in the healthcare field on missions to help underserved communities in South America. We were honored to work together and help 250 people take control of their menstrual health. One of Only Hope’s founding members, Doctor Danny Angerbauer, was kind enough to translate some testimonials from Lena Cup recipients in La Paz, Bolivia:
“I was skeptical to try the cup at first. I am very sensitive and tampons have always been extremely painful but I thought I would at least give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable the cup was. It didn’t cause any irritation and I barely even knew it was there. After all these years, I finally found something that works with my sensitive skin.” – Dra. Claudia G.
“Makes my period much less of a burden while I’m at school. It’s so convenient that I sometimes forget I’m even on my period.” – Ana V.
Only Hope does multiple medical missions each year, and we look forward to being part of as many of those trips as we can. “We need more companies and people with such values in the world and Lena sets the standards high,” said Doctor Angerbauer. “We hope that this partnership is long-lasting and wish to work with you again in the future.”
We hope so, too.